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The Volunteers

I read a quote from legendary Steelers football coach, Chuck Noll. He said, "The mercenaries will beat the draftees, but the volunteers will crush them both". (No, this is not a reference to Tennessee football…)

A person who knows the value they bring and is convicted from the heart to bring it to bear will always outperform someone who is forced to act or is just there for the paycheck. "Want to" will always trump "have to". It's true in sports, our professional lives, relationships, and personal behaviors. Think about your health for example. Nobody can force you or pay you to create long-term healthy habits. Sure, you know you should and you even know what to do, but until you have an unshakable "want to", you won't do what's necessary. Want to start with why and the why has to be strong enough to elicit desire. When the desire is driven from the heart, the result will follow.  

“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but laborers are few…” (Matthew 9:37-38) 

It is not that there is a shortage of available people to do the work; it is that there is a shortage of people who "want to" do the work and are willing to do what it takes.

The Volunteers

How about you? Do you know why you show up every day and how you bring value to others? Are you just there for the paycheck or are you there to make a difference?  

Winning requires a different mindset than just getting by. Yes, even today the harvest is plentiful, but the workers willing to do what it takes are few. Choose to be one of the few who are willing to do the work to make a difference in your business, your family, and wherever God has called you.  

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